Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Long (and Amazingly Good) Goodbye ...

What an incredible week it has been ... last Saturday night, I was honored to have been honored by Congregation Beth Israel for my contributions to the community while working here (yes, there were tears).  To listen to a video with so many people I love and respect talking about the impact of my time in Austin was both wonderful and unsettling at the same time ... when I was asked to describe the experience afterwards, I told someone it was much like being at your wedding without a groom and being at your funeral without being dead (thankfully). 

Truly, the highlight of the evening was seeing so many people having a wonderful time sharing community (and food) for a good cause, to support Congregation Beth Israel.  I was so moved by everyone's contributions and participation ... and so begins the long goodbye ... .

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to meeting you at Temple Israel in West Palm Beach. With your interest in music, it is sad that you will not get to work with our departing - and wonderful - cantor; but, alas, it was not meant to be. I, and the rest of the choir, await you.
