I remember an old public service announcement which suggested that we should "Give 5" ... encouraging people to give five hours per week and five percent of their income. Thankfully, Congregation Beth Israel has some fabulous volunteers who give their precious time to help others both within our congregation and the greater community ... and tonight was "Volunteer Appreciation Shabbat."
Our bar and bat mitzvah students are required to perform 18 hours of community service before the date of their ceremony. When I meet with them about a year before their ceremony, most kids know exactly the project they are going to do (or at least have some ideas about things they want to do), but a few have no idea where to start ... because volunteering is not a regular part of their family's lifestyle. With these few kids, I almost feel sorry for them because they have not yet had the opportunity to process all that one can get FROM volunteering.
How does one properly thank volunteers? As we each get busier and busier in our daily lives, my hope is that the work itself is at least some thanks. (I do always make sure to discuss with our kids that the community service they do is truly not about THEM, but rather the benefit to the recipient.) No matter what, though, it is always nice to be acknowledged. : )
So here is another thank you ... thank you to all our fabulous volunteers who help keep CBI running ... and for all the good you do for the community ... we couldn't do all we do without you! : )
PS ... Pirke Avot (a collection of Jewish wisdom) teaches that we are not required to complete the work, but neither are we free to desist from it ... so, perhaps we can bring back that "Give Five" campaign to help encourage more people to become involved in repairing the world. : )
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