Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Change is Good ...

This week, we have a new Clergy Assistant in our office.  While I miss the person who used to be in this position very much, I recognize that change can be good and look forward to opening myself up to creating a new working relationship for the benefit of our membership.  Cynthia comes to us from San Rafael, California, where she worked for two rabbis in another reform congregation.  She comes with a great spirit of "getting things done" and organization which I look forward to tapping into regularly!  : )

Change is coming, change is coming ... we all just need to be open to it ... I am opening myself up to the possibility of a fabulous, new world.   : )

Friday, April 16, 2010

Making Jews ...

My home rabbi and I talked once about what it meant to be a rabbi and he said something that I won't forget for a long time ... he said it was about "making Jews."  While my rabbi didn't only mean helping people convert (but rather helping folks learn more about their own religion and figure out what their Judaism means to them), today was a particularly cool day because I helped a fellow become Jewish. 

He underwent "hatafat dam" (ritual bloodletting for those who are already circumcised), was questioned by a "beit din" (court of three knowledgeable Jews who make the decision regarding whether someone should/can join the Jewish people), and went to the "mikveh" (a ritual immersion).  

Before Shabbat morning services tomorrow, when his daughter becomes a Bat Mitzvah by saying the blessing before and after and reading from the Torah, we will hold a brief public ceremony where he will stand before the open Ark, hold the Torah, and officially become Jewish.  He has had quite a journey to becoming Jewish ... how cool it is to be part of something so special.  I love this part of my job.  : )

Friday, April 9, 2010

Anyone Else Overwhelmed? : )

I'm just a little paralyzed right now.  The "to do" list is so long in my head I can't even write it down ... but I am going to write it down when I finish these five sentences. 

Forever ago, I remember being told that the best thing to do when feeling this way is to make both the "to do" list and start a "ta da" list ... it helps keep things in perspective when feeling overwhelmed.

To move forward, we need to remember to appreciate all that we have accomplished.   Shabbat shalom.  : )

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It's Been Far Too Long ...

So, like too many things, blogging is all about habit ... and I got out of the habit.  I went to the Olympics in Vancouver and had a wonderful, meaning-filled (and sports-filled) time ... and then back to work.  Then, it was all about getting ready to go on my Passover cruise ... then I went ... and now I'm back.  So I need to get back in the habit again ... by starting small.

Here is a link to a great article on the celebration of Passover in the White House ... interesting perspective by a fabulous female rabbi in southern California ... check it out:

More soon ... but please be patient ... it's hard to get back in the habit again.   : )