Watching the Olympics always moves me and, like many, Women's Gymnastics is a sport that often makes me cry.
When the All-Around finalists were named, I saw the disappointment following years of training to reach an unreached goal, yet I saw an admirable display of courage following. Then, last night, as a teammate reached for gold, I saw the mark of sportsmanship as the team member not allowed to compete cheered the other two on. To me, this was the mark of one committed to "teamsmanship" over individual glory and is something to be admired.
Today, our congregation begins a new chapter of its worship life as we welcome our new Cantorial Soloist, Michelle Auslander Cohen, as a member of the Temple Israel team. Seeing two women on the bimah will be different for many. Folks have even asked, will members accept this and, yes, they will. The team on the bimah may look different, but our community will be transformed by our newest team member's beautiful voice ... and tonight we will all pray together as a community. May this be the first of many beautiful Shabbatot we share together. : )